Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Walls Family Portraits

I met this way cool family downtown for an urban session. It was FREEZING!! But they were such troopers and you would never guess the weather from their portraits. Oh, and they even brought their very loved (and well behaved) doggie, Gus.

When it came time for some individual shots, K was sooooo ready to strike a pose. I think she has a future in performing arts. Her beauty and awesome personality came out in every picture!

P was the coldest of anybody and ready for pancakes and hot chocolate; even at that I got a little smile--what a handsome little guy!

Do ya think they love each other?

What a gorgeous Mama!
Thank you so much Walls family for your energy, enthusiasm and support!

Friday, December 5, 2008

McSpadden Christmas

I had the honor of shooting the McSpadden brothers' Christmas portraits this week. They were quite a bundle of energy and kept me SPRINTING! :). And having two boys who fight all the time, I was quite suprised how well these two got along.

I love the look on little L's face!

I wanted to get the boys by the tree--look but don't touch. Yes, we did end up with a broken ornament (sorry MO!).

These two cuties could be little Gap models!

Merry Christmas McSpaddens and Pulleys! We love you and thank you for being angels!