Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our Family Pet

This is Neo (named after the Matrix). He really has had 9 lives (more like 15). I am soooooo not a cat person (sorry all you cat lovers out there!!). And neither is my hubby, but Neo is not just any cat--he is the one and only NEO! We have shared many stories about this cat with our family and friends and we have laughed and cried (and laughed so hard we cried). Lennie asked me this morning to take some snapshots with Neo and the boys.

Yes, He really is this big!

Lennie rescued Neo as a kitten when he was being used as a basketball.
He has strong dislikes for one certain ex-roomate of Lennie's and sprayed this roomate's personal belongings every chance he got (Sorry, Wes!). Back in the old days (when he could fit), he really liked to catch rides in the car hoods of all of Lennie's buddies. He holds the world record for capturing the most frogs and field mice.
Neo went missing for 3 months from our house in Riverview, and showed up on the back door step of Wholesale Tire. No one would really have believed it was him, but his unmistakable "MEEEOOOWWW" and a belly sagging all the way to the ground from losing so much weight gave him away!He has watched "The Matrix" more than any other cat, EVER!
And finally, he is the World's Most Eligible Bachelor!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Little Cuties on Main

These two were quite an energetic pair! Landon was my little buddy and the "line leader" and Makenzie preferred the barefoot look and was great at looking for cool doors!


Oh my! What a handsome little guy! This 6 day old was awake and was in great spirits the entire time. Don't you just want to smooch on him!?

We're gonna have to get him some Bad Boy clothes! ;-) These boots were the only way we could keep his little feet still!

Not an easy shot, but I loooove it! (Thanks for the great idea, Kara)

Already callin' the HOGS!!!!

And my favorite! Such a little doll!

Thank you Lee and Kara for opening your home! Congratulations on your beautiful and perfect son!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Tribute to our Future Nurses

Congratulations SPN Class of 2009! Thank you for inviting me to participate in a fundraiser for your class. As many of you know, my mom has been a practicing LPN for over 20 years and you hold a special place in my heart. You are very special and wonderful people of whom I have the most respect. What you do is not easy and you should feel very proud that you have chosen such a profession!

Thank you to all who helped at the front door, setting-up, cleaning-up and booking sessions. Thank you UACCB for allowing us to have the portrait sessions at the Library Building. Thank you, Alicia (your awesome class president) for thinking of me and all your hard work organizing this event. Thank you, Mom, for all your help--couldn't have done it without you! And last but not least, thank you to everyone who booked a session and gave me the opportunity to take their pictures!

The "I Just Wanna Be Me" mini portrait event took place on Saturday, April 4th. Everyone was so awesome! Adorable, sweet, precious, gorgeous......I could go on and on for days!

"I Just Wanna Be Me"

Please turn off blog music before playing slideshow (or it will drive you crazy!) ;-)